jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

en caracas ... ya pronto pa mi casa

y ando en caracas vine por unos papeles q al final no salieron , asi q tendre q regresarme a mi casa el domingo peor seguramente tendre q volver para diciembre .. foto con mis hermanas ya q me estoy quedando con ellas

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


On the afternoon of October 5th 2010 our group, consisting of 22 male and female bikers on 12 Harley Davidsons, was on its way from Las Vegas to St. George, Utah, in bright weather.
About 15 miles from Mesquite, a severe thunderstorm began. One of the bikes started to have some technical problems with its ignition, so we stopped on the breakdown lane and switched on our warning lights. The last guy in the group was reminding us to be very careful with the traffic passing by, so we paid attention. At the same time it started to rain more heavily, so the group decided to put on rain gear.
A truck was speeding towards the group. For some inexplicable reason, the very heavy truck crashed into several of our bikes. The impact was so severe that one of the bikes was thrown into the air, hit Steve and crushed him to the ground. The group immediately secured the accident area and started to give him first aid.
At the same time we dialled the emergency number 911 and after a few minutes the first police car arrived. The patrolman had brought a defibrillator and, with our help, he immediately started to apply it. In the meantime, in the pouring rain, we all started working together to try to save Steve's life. A couple of minutes later, a second police car arrived and brought a complete set of first aid equipment. A helicopter also arrived. During all that time resuscitation attempts were maintained. After long minutes of trying, the doctor had to confirm that Steve was dead.
Miraculously, no other person in the group was injured. We are all aware that it could have been any one of us – and it could have even been the whole group.
Together with the local police, our tour guides organised the transport for us all to a nearby hotel in Mesquite. The hotel offered us a quiet room in which we could mourn, talk to each other and cry together. We all agree that the tour guides prepared and handled our trip very professionally. Our group still trusts the guides 100%.
Steve’s loss is an incredible tragedy for all of us. Together we are trying to get over all the grieving and the pain and to be there for each other. It is a very hard time for all of us.
Steve Lee’s lifelong dream to drive just once through the USA, on a Harley, should have come true during these two weeks. After we started our trip in Los Angeles, we passed Death Valley and Las Vegas. Our next stop would have been St. George in Utah, from where we had planned to head for Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon and Monument Valley. This was to have been the place where Steve planned to surprise Brigitte with some very special Indian jewellery. To show her Las Vegas and to enjoy together the special atmosphere there was one of his greatest wishes for the trip.
"One thing is for sure", Brigitte says, "I have never seen Steve as happy as during these last days." She is utterly devastated, but is finding comfort within the group now. We will be forever connected after this tragedy

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


uno de los videos mas originales q e visto , me encanta cada toma q tiene es un video q esta bien echo con una idea tan comun y tan simple que llega a ser original , mientras q la banda toca su tema se activa una de esas tipicas trampas con piezas d nominos, cuerdas , valdes.. todo junto conectado ..todod esta en blanco y negro pero lo ioco en color son las cosas en amarillo buen video y muy buen tema

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010


nuevo video de afi beautiful thieves en la q los integrantes van una fiesta de alta sociedad y dan a entender q no todas las personas de clases alta son decentes , pero tras esa fiesta elegante, de vicios y tentaciones ocurre un asesinato masivo, la idea del video no es muy original pero tiene unas tomas q son muy buenas

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009


eh estado pensando en ponerle un tema especifico a mi blog .. por q la verdad no tengo muchas cosas q contar ya q mi vida es una rutina diaria y no pasa nada del otro mundo .. solo las cosa sbasicas ... y como me gustaria seguirr teniendoe l blogg .. alo mejor mi blog se dedique solamente a los videos musicales ..montare los collages q hago de videos y hablare de ellos tanto sus cosas positivas como las negativas ....el cambio sera a aprtir de enero o finals de diciembre ..yo aviso..
la foto es un nestea .. tomada por mii XD

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009


hce un buen tiempoo q no escrivo nada por estos lares y es q an pasado varias cosas ... y no e podidoo..y tambien por q se me olvidaaaaa q tengo un blog , pero tratare usar mas estoo .. este añoo ... asi q esten pendiente d emi

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009


es una verdadera lastimaaq un chicoo tan bellooo y telentoso como lo es el sea un completo idiota ... da raviaa q alguien con tantas cosas positivas por ofreses tenga cosas negativas en su persona .. que tristee q ayan personas de esa clase una lastima